This is the last post of the series which covered NSX-T from the scratch series. We will test East-West and North-South connectivity by deploying a few VMs and attaching them to the NSX-T Overlay segments.
- Production Network VMs – Prod-Web-VM, Prod-Infra-VM
- UAT Network VMs – UAT-Web-VM, UAT-Infra-VM
- Production Network NSX-T Segments – Prod-Web (, Prod-Infra (
- UAT Network NSX-T Segments – UAT-Web (, Prod-Infra (
I have configured DHCP Relay options under the DHCP Profile Type and configured the DHCP Scopes on my Windows Server. (Also configured DHCP Helper Address settings on vLAN Interface 107 on ToR Switch point to DHCP Server IP Address)
Networking – IP Management – DHCP
Configuring Segment settings to use DHCP Profile that We configured above.
There are three DHCP options you can configure as below.
East-West and North-South Connectivity Testing
- Connect to the same T1-Gateway – T1-GW-Prod
I have deployed two VMs which belongs to Prod-Web and Prod-Infra segments as below.
- Connect to the different T1-Gateways – T1-GW-Prod and T1-GW-UAT
I have set up two VMs which belongs to Prod-Web and UAT-Infra segments respectively as below.
Now We have completed the East-West and North-South Connectivity. I thought to include a few screen captures related to vSphere Networking (Kernal and Physical Adapters) and NSX-T Transport and Edge Transport Node Configurations.
Host Transport Nodes, VMKernal Adapters

Host Transport Nodes, Physical Adapters

Host Transport Nodes, Monitor – Transport Node Status

Host Transport Nodes, Switch Visualization

Edge Transport Nodes, Overview and Tunnels

Network Topology from NSX-T Manager
Networking – Network Topology
- Inter Tier Transit Link (Transit Network), Basically connecting Distributed Router to Service Router for North-South Routing (North Bound Network), Also connects Tier-1 Gateway Router with Tier-0 Gateway
* Screenshots captured from VMware vCenter Console and NSX-T Manager Console on Jan 11, 2022.